Monday, July 18, 2016

Are You Using LinkedIn’s Most Powerful Feature?

Most people don’t even know about Pulse, but it’s one of the most powerful features LinkedIn has. Why? Because it gives you a free platform to write articles, include video, and give information that your audience will like, share, and respond to.

In addition to allowing video in the article, Pulse lets you tag that article with the words you know your target market is looking for. When I do an article on Pulse about videos or LinkedIn tips, I use the tag words LinkedIn allows me to use so that people will find me.

Make sure you include a call to action in your post!

Here’s the secret sauce: include a call to action! If you want someone to call you or access your website for a free report, include that information in your byline. If you are promoting an affiliate program, disclose that information. I’ve seen it many times and, whenever I know someone is an affiliate, I’m okay with it because they told me about it up front.

You should write regularly, whether it’s once a month or twice a month. Be specific about the tags you use, write original content, and include some sort of rich text media: audio, video, or a slideshow. Include links. Put yourself in the position of your reader and ask yourself, “Would I want to share this? Is this valuable?”

If you have any questions about using Pulse, give me a call or send me an email. I would be happy to help you!

1 comment :

  1. Hey Rhonda, when you say use original content, do you mean we can't repurpose content from our blog? Do we just change it slightly or just publish a portion and CTA to read the rest on my blog? I'm trying to streamline my efforts. Thanks!
