Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Put Your LinkedIn Summary on Steroids

If you’re on LinkedIn, you’ve probably noticed that most profiles are missing a summary. That is a huge mistake because the summary is the most important part of your profile. Your summary allows you to tell people who you are in first person. Here are my best tips to put your LinkedIn summary on steroids.

First, ask about the pain point your clients need you to solve. For instance, my summary might say something like, “Are you on LinkedIn but are unsure of how to use it to find more clients?” Someone else might say, “Are you an attorney who needs help with witness preparation?”

Doing this sets the stage for the problem you solve with your business. After that has been established, go into your background, why you are different from your competition, the areas you specialize in, and who you are. Be sure to include all of the information you want your clients or ideal referral partner to know about you.

Make sure the summary looks clean. Use characters and bullet points so that the summary is easy to read and appealing to the eye. You should also list all areas of specialization to optimize your summary.

You’re 11 times more likely to be viewed with a professional profile picture.

Most importantly, include your contact information in your summary. That means putting your email address and phone number on your profile. A lot of people say, “I don’t want to put my cell phone number or business phone number on there.” In that case, go to Google Voice and get a Google phone number. Only list that number on your summary. That way, you know anyone who calls that number has found you on LinkedIn and you can screen your calls.

Now, here is the secret sauce: include a line in your summary that says something like, “Don’t take my word for it. Click below to hear about my results from former clients.” You can even have past clients make a testimonial video for others to watch. I use a company called Vyral Marketing to put these videos together. Video is a powerful way for potential clients to hear from others about what working with you is like.

Finally, include a 90-second video of yourself in the section right below your summary telling people who you are, what problems you solve, and three top tips for your client. Vyral Marketing can help you with that as well.

In short, when it comes to your LinkedIn summary, ask yourself, “Would I hire myself based on this profile?” If you have any questions, give me a call or send me an email. I would be happy to help you!

1 comment :

  1. Listen I don’t know how much of a relationship with Rhonda but I wanted to let you know she is an extraordinary women. I have done business with her and have given me many many insights on how to reach people thru LinkedIn that are so valuable and I know you will see value in it to. So I just wanted to say that you should learn from Rhonda and take advantage of all she has to offer.
